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Vacation {Bozeman Family Photographer}

August 2, 2010

I’m on vacation this week, but thought it would be a perfect time to preview a session from my last vacation.  In June, we spent a week at the South Carolina shore with two families that are our dearest friends.  We’ve known them (well, at least some of the family members) since college and spent several years all living down the block from each other, starting our own families mere months apart.  In 2008, we scattered to different corners of the country, with one family settling in Boston, another in Huntsville, AL, and us in Bozeman.

The week we spent at the beach was our second annual “reunion” vacation and this one was only slightly less chaotic than our first, but just as crazily wonderful.  You see, each family has two kids, so our houseful of 12 consisted of two 4-year-olds, one 3-year-old, two 2-year-olds, and a just-turned-1-year-old.  You can imagine why the words “chaos” and “crazy” came to mind!

Family of four

As crazy as it is, we can’t imagine not spending this week together.  It’s a tradition we plan to continue for many, many, many years!  Another part of the tradition we plan to continue is the family photo shoot swap.  You see, Erin is also a photographer.  In fact, she’s been my biggest inspiration and has offered me so many insights on the ins-and-outs of owning a photography business.  I am forever indebted to her and don’t know that my life would have turned down this path if it weren’t for her!

Kids peek back for eye contact with the photographer

As you can imagine, with 2 professional photographers in a household for a week, there is no shortage of camera snapping happening!  In addition to the thousands of snapshots taken all week, we also reserve one night for “photo shoot” night and swap family sessions with each other.

Family walks hand-in-hand

A family snuggles together

One part of the deal, though, is that the editing and processing of the photos we take of each other’s families goes to the bottom of the stack, promised to be attended to once there is a bit of a break in work for our clients.  So, a good 6 weeks after they were taken, I finally have a sneak peek for these dear friends!

Kids gleefully swing from their parents arms

Father and daughter share a special moment

Mother and daughter share a special moment

A dad and his boy

Mom and son share a kiss

Toddler laughs while mom looks on with a smile

Love these guys!  (And these ones, too!)

I’ll be back in a few days with what will surely be a camera full of the most jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring, and impressive scenery ever.  We’re enjoying a family getaway in Glacier National Park!

3 Comments leave one →
  1. August 10, 2010 5:49 am

    Such trickery! I haven’t been checking in since I knew you were on vacation. SO EXCITED to see these here! Thank you so much for capturing our family as we are! It’s so special to be on the other side of the camera…and even more special to be on the other side of YOUR camera. I love you Amy!

  2. jodi permalink
    August 13, 2010 1:48 pm

    Great photos Amy. You know what I noticed? in the silhoutte shot from last year, Ephraim is a baby and in these shots he is a BOY. makes me treasure seeing my friends’ families grow up.


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